Saturday, February 24, 2007

Goodbye, Subtitle

Been giving serious thought to the vexed question of
whether to add a sub-title to my next collection,
close to being ready to send it out.

The title is FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY (title poem

Here's how it would look with the sub- tacked on:

a memoir in poems

Helpful, in pointing out the organizing notion
central to the book, or limiting in suggesting
that the contents shouldn't be read just as
individual poems?

Writing about the question here, I veer toeard
just keeping the sub-title to myself. Thank you,

Goodbye, Subtitle.

Title poem:


Like everyone else I've served my time
lying under the weight of a mountain
breathing stones; yet always my blood,
like leveling water, knows where it's wanted.


Once I had a whitewater vision:
beneath the rage of the rapids I sensed
the undersound of the river's sound,
indistinguishable from silence.


Who am I? Not a solving...a seeing.
I'd view the storm through eyes of calm.
I'd speak to say
where the silence is.


On days when it seems the food for the journey
is clay, not bread, and the spirit famished,
as dusk transfigures everything
I pause, near silence: listening.



At February 24, 2007 at 1:38 PM , Blogger Marty said...

Hi, Barry. I like the title sans subtitle, since "journey" is suggestive enough. Good poems, and I hope all is well with you and Kimberly. Let me know if you have Atlanta (AWP) plans.

At February 24, 2007 at 3:16 PM , Blogger chella said...

scrolled down through your entires & was impressed with the blog as a portal to the poet at work! fascinating read--thanks.


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