Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Poem of a Purely Local Hero

An earlier poem -- always a pleasure to work
at something playful:


Reading in my slippers
I follow written ways
to sniff fine dust in Kurdistan
where camels bow their knees.

I travel hardly moving,
by turning pages roam
where words declare they're countries
as love songs claim the moon.

From Turkish sweets and minarets
next moment I'm at sea
to brave a storm off Melbourne's coast
and never miss high tea.

There's comfort in such travel,
traversing a paper map --
the hard climb up the Matterhorn
with a kitten in my lap.



At June 23, 2010 at 11:34 AM , Blogger S.L. Corsua said...

Same thing happens now as I read your poem. I like the feel-good vibe in it. Reading can indeed lead to healthy, fun daydreaming. An adventure such as those mentioned in the third stanza here. With reality, there are airports and queues and packing for wrong weather; imagination, well, it economizes effort. Cheers.


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