Sunday, December 27, 2009

end-year sum-up poem

Delving around among the files I found
this one, never published, which seemed
to fit this time of the year.


We sad and beautiful animals, strange
the way we yearn for weather-change!

A solid performer earns his kiss
through hummingbird-brilliance, nonetheless

wanders night-mazes of sought-importance
to fearful dead-ends, dank alleys sensed

as breakthroughs, though only time occurs
in labyrinths without Minotaurs.

Oh, endlessly Venus tires of Mars,
old plans implode like black-holed stars,

ramblers at neighborhood windows feel longing
for what sounds like love-play within (such crowing!),

tsunami-spirits with hopeful faces
seek sprightlier riffs that mock to pieces

misery-mongers whose fig-leaf claim
damps the sweet hours with animal-shame.

(Often I've dreamt of an elevator
filled with dear friends gathered in forever

lifting at speed in an urge toward bliss,
in a reverence for passion and happiness).



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